
  PUMASON the obligation to respect and protect the privacy of users, and this as the basis for the business and PUMASON PUMASON social responsibility and obligations. So if you visit PUMASON site, we will do our best to help you take control of the Internet, personal data.
  First on the collection of information
  In PUMASON business website, you can order products or services, to ask for help to get registration forms or join the community, participate in our activities. On these pages you will need your personal data: name, e-mail address, phone number, address, industry, customer preference information and customer number and host application services require registration or other personal information. We give you a better website online service to resolve technical support issues, or if you visit on events and activities continue to provide tracking services for you after the payment of fees souvenirs. You can choose whether they join.
  We will continue to improve our products and services (including registration), to create and offer more content tailored to your needs, we may also ask you your personal or professional interests, demographics, product experience, and make your favorite Contact details and other information.
  2.Im respect to the use of your data
  The information you provide will be kept strictly confidential, PUMASON companies use your data to your needs to better understand and give you a better service to help you complete the purchase transaction, to contact in the future, update service, you benefit from and to provide you better understand your individual needs on the ground.
  In some cases we may also use your information for market research purposes or to contact you, we think you might be interested in market information.
  3.auf control of your information
  When you register, or otherwise made available to sell personal information, PUMASON your business or rent any personally identifiable information to third parties. Once PUMASON authorized agents or contractors from using your personal information and survey results, such information must be treated strictly confidential and may not be used in addition to carrying out PUMASON authorized service company for other purposes. PUMASON will not without your prior knowledge and permission to use the above has nothing to free the way you or share your online give us to do their personal information. Your license will always be protected, we will never make any PUMASON not be bound by our privacy policies share your information to third parties.
  PUMASON on the Site may collect information and organize data from third parties or merged, and used to promote products or services.
  4.The access to your data
  PUMASON To protect your privacy and security, adequate measures to verify the identity by which you can access or modify information. PUMASON companies strive to your personal information to say exactly, and gives you online access to any personal information, registration data, the ability to update or change you contain your information.
  Please note that this site provides links to other websites only as a convenience to you, if you use these links, you will leave PUMASON page. And they can gather your personal information. Use of this website and therefore PUMASON company information, software or other products, materials, or they do not get any results make it their own or each statement. Link to information are PUMASON practices of third party websites are not covered by this privacy statement.
  Fifth on the safety of your data
  We plan to protect your personal information at the top in terms of quality and integrity can be identified. We carefully protect your data from loss, misuse, unauthorized access or disclosure, alteration or destruction. Are stored in this society, the data in password-protected servers, the access is limited.
  We will respond promptly to your sincere efforts to request for your personal information to correct errors. To keep your personal information to correct errors, please return the error message to the sender, along with details of the required correction.
  6 A special note on the small user
  PUMASON is to maximize attention to the age of 16 users. Under 16 years on the personal data, please make sure to give the consent of the guardian. If you register your name, address, telephone number or other personal information when you shop online, make sure you have with your parents or people in the computer monitor next to the.
  7.The use of cookie technology
  With the Internet through the application of new technologies to bring PUMASON for the visitor a totally personalized experience. We use cookies technology to analyze web usage, and maintain your records in online shopping store. Cookie on the hard disk of your computer in a text requires the approval provided. We use this technology does not mean you are automatically informed of information. We can choose the type of computer you use, but is also the primary purposes of cookies to make your visit to our website a better experience. We have absolutely no intention to infringe on your website with PUMASON your privacy.
  They have complete autonomy is also set in the Web browser (Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator) to notify you of cookie placement requests from, or wholly reject the cookie. You delete the cookie file contains these files as part of the Internet browser will be stored.
  Eighth on the statement of changes in
  This statement of interpretation and the interpretation of the use of this site PUMASON company. PUMASON need to update to this Privacy Statement. Update, we will also revise the privacy policy at the bottom of the "last updated". If this statement there are substantial changes, PUMASON the website, to you, by clear notice to notify the user.
  9.Resultat this statement or the use of this site is the controversial application of U.S.A law.